Category Archives: Dynamics AX 4.0

Sales line number not unique

There are cases in all current versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX where the line number on sales order lines is not incrementally assigned and can therefore be assigned in duplicates.

For the purpose of the post i have added the field “Linenum” to the grid in the sales order form.

As you can see below the line numbers are assigned incrementally when creating order lines in an ordinary fashion. (one by one).
2016-05-27 10-35-15

Some sellers might decide to add a few empty sales lines to the order before picking the item number like this.
2016-05-27 10-44-41

At this point the line number still looks normal.
But lets see what happens when when we start picking values for these lines and saving them.
2016-05-27 10-48-05

In this example i start by assigning an item number for the last row and then for the first row.
As soon as the item number is assigned and i leave the field, the line number is changed to 3.

The first thing you might ask yourself is: “Why the heck would you create order lines this way?”
That i can’t answer, but i know for sure that it’s not totally uncommon.

If sales line number are not unique you might run in to problems with some customizations that uses the line number to identify the sales line.

Our solution for this is to enforce a more “normal” behavior by adding a piece of code that deletes all cached sales lines every time a sales line is saved.

Simply add this method to the data source “SalesLine” in the form “SalesTable”.

private void HandleMultipleCacheLines()
    SalesLine   salesLineLineNum;
    salesLineLineNum = salesLine_ds.getFirst();
    while (salesLineLineNum.SalesId)
        if (!salesLineLineNum.RecId)
        salesLineLineNum = salesLine_ds.getNext();

And call the new method from within the method “write” on the data source “SalesLine”.
Put the call right below “super();”.

Please let me know if you have a another solution.

Create class and methods in x++

This job does three things.

1. Creates a new class, compiles and saves it.

2. Finds the class and adds a new static method to it.

3. Calls the new method using DictClass.

Continue reading Create class and methods in x++

Simple field lookup in form

This is a simple way to add a custom form lookup to a new field with x++ code. This example is done with a test table named FO_TestTable that has the three fields “TestField1”, “TestField2” and “TestField3”. The table FO_TestTable has an index named “TestIdx”.

I have added a field on the table CustTable named TestField1. On this field that now can be found on CustTable form on the CustTable datasource node, I have added the “Override method” “lookup”.

Below you can see how I have edited the method lookup to fit my needs. Notice that the sysTableLookup is based on an ordinary query, this means that you can manipulate this query as you see fit.

Continue reading Simple field lookup in form

Sorting containers with multiple levels

I encountered a scenario where I wanted to find a record of a certain type somewhere in a big container. This got med thinking, and the result is the code below. I wanted to be able to loop through a container no matter how big it was or how many levels of new containers it contained.

This job searches through the container con1 and sorts the types Integer, Real and String into separate containers. In itself this job might not be very useful, but my goal was to build something that could easily be modified to work in many different cases when looking for different values in containers.

It also finds the specific records of VendTable, CustTable and SalesTable that I hid inside the container structure.
Continue reading Sorting containers with multiple levels

A quick look at lists and a bit of XML

This is just a quick look at the List object in Dynamics AX. Just played around with it to see what functionality was there and what wasn’t. As you can see I just created a simple list of integers and also one with records from InventTable, if you wan’t to know what types can be placed in the list, check out the baseEnum “Types” in the AOT.

As a bonus I also created a xml file of the list of integers.

Continue reading A quick look at lists and a bit of XML

How to colour code different companies inside axapta

During development and test we often switch between different companies in our installation. To not mistaken us, so we always make changes in the correct one, we made this small change in the code. With different background-colours for each company, you never delete something importent by mistake. This example shows how it could be done.
Continue reading How to colour code different companies inside axapta

How to catch special keystrokes and use them as shortcuts

Rightclick on a form and go down tracking a specific field or other data, is a tedious work if you do it dozens of times per day.

We wanted to catch the key combination ctrl+Z (since it is rarelly used when running axapta), so we could use it to display common data about a form, field or other info. This is a code example we nowdays always install in all new test and development environments (not production, since it would give normal users unwanted access).
Continue reading How to catch special keystrokes and use them as shortcuts